Friday, July 4, 2008

Speaker Bootcamp....Nairobi Style!

We've completed the first official Nairobi Speaker Bootcamp!!!
Three days of communication training resulted in a successful Speaker Bootcamp.....Nairobi Style! It was interesting that while the communication concepts, fears, concerns, and skill sets were universal, the topics that these students were working on were truly amazing! While they all had fun with the random topics we gave them to practice with, when it came time to develop their individual roadmaps around thier professional topics the mood became much more serious. These students are all working on topics that truly will change the course of history in Kenya.
For example...Barasa worked through the topic of Affirmative Action. Diana was focused on Sexual Violence. Joy's work revolved around Gender Equality. Stella devoted her time to a topic on Children's Rights while Josephine spoke on Women's Leadership. John did a wonderful job formatting his topic of Political Mentoring. Peter spoke solidly about Women's Regional Assemblies. Purity and Lillian....two Christian pastors who spoke about their faith.
At the end of the third day, all were exhausted yet excited about the graduation ceremony where they all received certificates and a lapel pin that reads "Let Your Life Speak"....these individuals truly exemplify the concept of letting their lives speak as every one of them lives daily their focus. They are determined to make Kenya a better place for all to live.
Our team was surprised and honored to receive gifts of thanks from the group....each of us received a woven basket....a symbolism of life in Kenya where baskets are used daily.....a tee shirt and hat with the Women's Political Caucus logo.....key chains which are considered of extremely high value here.......and umbrellas to protect us from the sun once we arrive in the village. It was humbling to receive gifts from them as we truly feel this experience we are sharing is a gift to all of be here with them....helping them on their missions.
At the end of the day we celebrated at a local "must see" restaurant....Carnivore...with some of our hosts. What an experience it was!!! Carnivore boarders a game park and they roast and serve ostrich, crocodile, giraffe, lamb, turkey, beef, chicken and more......what an experience!! We all tried a little bit of everything!! There were some new beverages as well....our favorite was a drink called "Dawa"......YUM!!! What fun evening and a wonderful way to end our time with this group!
On Friday we begin our journey of 2 days travel to the village of Wikondiek....we will stop at Lake Naivasha then to Lake Nakura/Kisume to spend the evenings. We are excited to see the country-side!!
Until later!

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