Thursday, July 17, 2008

Final Thoughts from Robin..stay tuned for rest of team...

Robin's Thoughts at End of Trip:

Well... here we are sitting in Heathrow Airport in London about to depart for the USA! Our trip is almost complete and what a trip it has been!

As I reflect back on what we've all experienced, it's amazing to think that this venture started almost three weeks ago. We have been to many places, met many friendly people of different cultures and have laughed & cried along the way. The one consistent thing we've all experienced is smiling faces. Virtually everywhere we've visited we've been met with smiles... friendly and hospitable folks who have welcomed us with open arms and with anticipation. Each leg of our trip has had many special moments...

The first leg started in London where we toured the wonderfully historic city visiting Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, had drinks on a river boat floating on the Thames River, and a fantastic dinner and 3 hours of engaging and motivating conversation at a very cool place called PJ's Restaurant & Pub. It was spectacular and a great way to start our experience. It was a high for all of us!

On our second leg of the trip, we ventured to Nairobi where we were honored to be guest at the Women's Political Caucus Group. Bart & Glenna taught 30 high achieving adults the C-3 Communications Program. The transformation from day 1 to day 3 was remarkable. They welcomed us with warm hearts and smiling faces. Everyone was very focused and committed to his or her personal goal of making life better for all Kenyans. It was cool to hear of their grand plans of action. We had great dinners and conversation each night challenging each other to be better people, teachers, friends, spouses, and parents. Each night had special moments we'll cherish forever.

At the end of the week we began our third leg of the journey traveling toward our final destination of the very rural village of Wikondiek. Along the way we experienced tremendous poverty, heartache, sadness, and TERRIBLE roads. It was scary to travel because of the narrow, pot-holed roads (many just dirt roads as major highways!), and PEOPLE. People were everywhere! They were walking along the roads, in the roads, crossing the road and just standing at the edge of the road. FOR MILES! I would forget sometimes that they drive on the left side of the road and it would freak us out seeing a bus traveling right toward us serving to avoid a pot-hole and then instead of going to the left like they would in the US, they move to the right! YIKES! I thought they were going to run right into us, but our driver was swift to swerve to the left and avoid a crash (by inches!). We had to travel at night on one of our trips, which is illegal for non-locals, and it was very trying. Needless to say, we all were closing our eyes gripping deep into our seat as we bounced all around in our van. It was wild!

But the good part about this portion of the journey was the two Safaris’ we experienced and the wonderful accommodations at the Sarova Lions Resort and the Kaboko Bay Resort. Both were very cool and rustic, but elegant. We had a chance to slow down and regroup before we entered the village of Wikondiek. We went on a Safari throughout the national reserve and it was wonderful. In all, we counted upwards of 20 different species of wild exotic animals… from Lions to Zebras – Rhinos to Water Buffalo – Giraffes to Baboons, and many others! It was incredible. We then came back to the resort, recorded an interview with Bart, and relaxed after a great lunch prior to our departure for the village. A nice way to unwind.

Now, the fourth and most important part of our trip was our venture into the back rural area of West Kenya to the village of Wikondiek. This little village has no running water; no electricity; no bathrooms; no restaurants; no bookstores; no gas stations; no grocery stores; NOTHING, but sweet folks trying to survive day to day. The central activity of the village is the primary & secondary school, which has about 160 students. The school is a government school and each child is given a uniform to wear and it’s their only set of clothes. They were the uniform everyday. They live in a very small mud hut with either a grass roof or if they are “wealthy,” on with a tin roof. The tin roof is best because they can catch rainwater running off the roof into a bucket for cooking, drinking, bathing, etc. Otherwise, they only have the muddy river as their source. So you can see how important the tin roof is to a family. Unfortunately, most only have grass roofs. There may be 5, 6, 7, or more living in a two-room hut that may be 10 x 12 at best. The “kitchen” (fire pit) is housed in a separate hut so not to burn down the house. It’s incredible. Yet once again… we see mostly smiling faces. Wow! We are so spoiled! Our pets in America live better than most everyone in West Kenya. Amazing!

Our week here was very special. Bart & Glenna taught two different sessions of the communications program. One to 40 students over 2 ½ days and another to over 60 adult leaders and teachers from surrounding villages for 2 days. Again the transformation was incredible. Both the adults and students were captivated by the teaching and applied Bart’s principles to their message and did a remarkable job.

I spent some time with Griffin playing my guitar and singing to the other 120 students throughout the school. We shared many songs (a lot of Beatles! And some favorite Christian songs as well.) and they really loved it. I don’t think they had ever seen or heard a guitar before. Wow! It was a very special time.

The sweet faces, smiles, and personalities are what I will remember the most. Even in the poverty that surrounds everyone, the attitude was hopeful. I just pray that I won’t forget the feelings these wonderful folks gave to me while visiting their village. I know that there will be changes in my life that will come from this experience. I promise to be more responsible with how I spend money, be aware of the needs of others around me and to be pro-active in helping others no matter what the circumstances.

This trip affected me in a great way! I’ll never forget what we saw, felt, and lived.

Thank-you Bart, Glenna, Griffin, Mathew & Mission Africa!

I promise to Let My Life Speak! Will you?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Stay tuned...

Hello Everyone!

We are home!!! We all arrived safe and sound to our home destinations late Sunday evening. Stay tuned as we will be posting our final thoughts on our trip this week with additional photos......stay tuned......

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A few more photos....

The above photos depict the medical clinic lab......patients who walked for hours to receive medical attention.....the team on the last day.....Robin with some of the children who were fascinated by his video equipment.....and Juni and her mother Phoebe Asiyo........


Some photos for you......these photos show the outside of the classroom...the inside with the children......a shot of Griffin and Robin entertaining the teachers one evening......and three girls demonstrating how they carry water from the river.......

Some Photos for You.....

The above photos show some of the wonders of nature we saw at the National Park......a couple of towns/villages en route from Kisumu to Wikondiek......and the flat tire we received 1M from the village......

Sunday - the Village

We are sitting on the tarmack in Nairobi....waiting for the plane to depart. Yesterday we left the village, traveled to Kisumu, flew to Nairobi, were treated to a Kenyan meal with another member of our host family, and this morning left the hotel at 6am for our 9:30am flight. We will arrive in London late afternoon, stay the night and depart for the US first thing Sunday morning.

The week has been AMAZING!!!! Over the course of the week we taught 3 daysof communication skills to 40 students, 2 days to over 50 teachers and village leaders, visited families in their homes, facilitated the arrival of the generator (THANK YOU to all who supported the fund-raising for the generator!), enjoyed meeting new friends, spent time learning about a whole new world, and internalized an even greater realization of who we are as individuals, as a team, and as Americans.

It was reinforced how despite if one lives in the "Land of Opportunity" of America, or in a third world developing country such as Kenya...we are the same. People have the same communication fears...the same hopes and dreams for their futures.........the same desire for human kindness.
While working with the children, we discovered their goals of becoming teachers, doctors, engineers, lawyers and even one who has the desire to become the United Nations Secretary General. Josum's dream is to promote peace around the world. The teachers and children across the country of Kenya are busy trying to make up for the time lost from January to May when the country was going through such political strife and the children were not allowed to attend school. They are dedicated to their studies and to improving their lives.

Their greatest joy from the receipt of the generator is that they will be able to study at night......they cheered for the generator not to play electronic games, not to have lights to play games by, not to cook with electricity rather than the small fire....they cheered as they now will be able to study at night. Recently a kerosene lamp the children were using to study by after dark exploded...badly burning one of the children and harming several others. Yes...they cheered for the generator which will give them safe light.

Around our class time we tried to visit with the families as much as possible. One family we visited was a family with 8 children.....from my guess they were ages in a mud hut no more than 12x12 wide which contained a living 'area', a bedroom with one bed for the parents yet no mattress, and a cooking "pit" for fire. The mud walls are actually made of a combination of cow dung and mud......hardened like rock in the hot African sun. A storm was brewing and we knew the holes in the thatched roof would not hold out the rain. No toys were to be found....only a dirt floor, pots for cooking and a few pieces of broken wooden furniture. The mother pleaded with us to help her.......provide her a new do anything we possibly could to help her and her children. It was so very difficult to turn and walk away.......

Many of the children at the school (grades K-12) are orphans.......we sat one evening and learned their stories. The school is the best place for them...especially for the girls. If a girl's parents both die - which many do from either Malaria or AIDS - often times her relatives will sell her to an older man to be his wife. Food is so very scarce here that another mouth to feed is a burden. As a result, the girls are often either married early or if they are orphans they are sold to be wives. The school boards many of the children while some go home every night......often walking 5-6 kilometers to get home. A long-term goal for the heads of the school is to be able to make the school into a full-time boarding school so that the orphans do not go home on weekends or holidays to either empty homes or homes of relatives and live in fear of being sent to live elsewhere. It is a dire situation.

We toured the dormitory facilities........again, bringing tears to our eyes. Two evenings it rained substantially the week we were there and it got cold enough for blankets on our beds.....I laid awake all night thinking of the children laying on foam mats on the dirt floors of the dormitory with no pillow, no blanket, no warmth or shelter from the cold rain.

In the classroom the children came alive. While hesitant at first, we soon had them chanting "I am a great leader!!".....they became loud, strong and filled with confidence! It was an amazing transformation to witness!!!
The graduation for the children was spectacular!! Each child received a certificate of achievement, a tee shirt with the "Let Your Life Speak" logo on it and a frisbee. While they initially thought the frisbee was a plate, we soon showed them how to fly them and they were thrilled!!!

It was hard to leave them as we walked away singing, "Na na na na...hey hey hey....good bye..........".......we were all in tears.....

The rest of the team will post their thoughts from the airport tomorrow....

Friday, July 11, 2008

We arrived safely in the village! Sunday....

What an incredible journey it was from Kisumu to the village on Sunday. We woke early in the morning on Sunday, enjoyed a breakfast at the side of Lake Victoria watching people fish with bamboo poles, and women collecting water.....carrying it out of the lake in barrels balanced on their heads.

It was then time to meet up with one of our host family's relatives...a Professor at the University.......a mathmathmetics professor at the University outside of Kisumu. He joined us as we went to a location for pictures directly under the equator. Imagine....standing at one moment with one foot in the Northern Hemisphere and the other in the Southern Hemisphere!!! Pretty cool!! (Of course our GESTURES were ALL in the Northern Hemisphere!!!!!!)

From the equator, we traveled to the Maceno Day School. The school was founded in 1908 and is the school where Barack Obama's father attended when he lived here in Kenya! They are all very proud to have a connection to our American candidate for President! The students were busy studying for examinations.....even on Sunday! After touring the secondary school, we toured the University and found it alive with activity!
The professor joined us for a lunch of chicken, french fries, chupa and tomatoes......yum!!

After leaving the professor it was time to make the final leg to the village. We were all excited and a bit anxious as we have been anticipating this for so long.....

Our arrival was stalled once again with a flat tire.....1 Kilometer from the village!!! Amazing with all the roads we have traveled that we just now get a flat we changed the tire, many children surrounded us....children walking from the river with water....children walking home from Sunday studies at school......villagers on their way back from market....all curious....all welcoming...

We finally arrived and received quite the welcome!! All came to greet us and we were humbled at the reception.....we're only here to try to offer some assistance....yet the gesture is so greatly anticipated and appreciated....before we even accomplish anything!!! More details to come on the greeting.....just want you all to know we arrived safely!!!

On our way to the village

Hi all!

Trying to catch up as we just now have internet access's what we wrote before we reached the village...

Saturday....July 5th.
Glenna's Thoughts:
We traveled on Friday afternoon to the Savora Lion Hill, which is about 7 Km into the Lake Nakuru National Park. As we were getting there at dusk, it was critical for us to get to the gate of the hotel before dark. In the morning, we found out why......the hotel is surrounded by the National Park.......thousands upon thousands of acres of forest and plains with all species of animals around every corner! We needed to be within the hotel compound prior to dark to reduce the risk of running across some wild beast!
On Saturday we spent the morning on the safari.....seeing the wonderous animals in their natural habitat....but not getting too close!! I had never seen a rhinoserous so close and still shake my head at the enormity of size!!! To finish the morning wonderfully we even found a pride of lions resting under a tree away from the heat.
Having the day to rejuvnate was spectacular.....and much needed for what was to come. Following lunch, we began our 5 hour on/off road journey to Kisumu, where we were to spend the night before getting to the village on Sunday.
As we journeyed along, it again was overwhelming how there are so many impoverished people waiting, standing, sitting, sleeping, walking....yet ready to smile and wave at us. Going through the town of Mojo, I couldn't hold back my tears.......when I saw a small child pulling himself across the dirt because he could not use his legs. Kilometer upon kilometer of desolate shacks, barefoot and sometimes clothesless children, cattle and goats walking amongst the shelters and the people........I became dissapointed in myself that I'm not doing more.....and disappointed in our world community for allowing these people to exist like this. When there are so many riches in the world...why is it these people are forgotten?
We had an opportunity to pass by the tea fields......thousands of acres of tea bushes........mostly picked by hand by laborers........huge factories drying and producing tea to be shipped around the world for all to enjoy. I couldn't help but think of the executives who must come to check in with their factories and wonder how they can pass by the shanty towns surrounding the factories and not find a way to help? How does one ignore such pain?
It was an emotional day......the disparity was overwhelming. To end the day we arrived at the hotel in Kisumu.....Koboko Bay Hotel which is located on Lake Victoria. Our rooms were tents with thatched roofs over them and multiple layers of mosquito netting. We feel like we are getting prepared as we travel closer and closer to the village.
Robin's Thoughts:
Overwhelmed how we went from luxury to the depths of poverty. The resort that we stayed at was remarkable in every way...the scenery, accommodations, and hospitality were wonderful. The safari was a once in a lifetime adventure. We saw almost 20 different kinds of animals.....including lions. Fabulous food and a very nice massage to top it off!! Then.....the adventure began...
It wasn't long after we drove out the gates of the wild game park where the real Africa surrounded us. Thousands and thousands of people walk the streets, stand by the side of the road, bicycle....with nothing more than the clothes on their back. As we drove further and further we continued to see the great depths of the poverty, I became embarrased, humiliated, disgusted and saddened at what we Americans complain about. I had heard before we arrived from someone else how they had heard someone say "It's amazing that Americans have 'houses for their cars' " and now I know what that means. We spend more on a night's dinner than most of these people earn in a month.....and yet the problem is so overwhelms me to think what can we do? This has been a constant topic of conversation as our mission here is "Let Your Life Speak".....I think for me it is to use every bit of influence I can possibly muster too encourage everyone to give back, however you can, at all times, to whom ever you can.
The sad thing is, our journey is just beginning. We have yet to arrive in the village. Anticipation is high, yet it is completely unknown as to what we will face. I can only hope that we continue to see the smiles on the faces of the few children we've been able to meet so far. It's amazing how with so little, the children continue to find ways to smile. How much better can their lives be if we can just give them a little bit of ourselves. Let your life speak.......any way it can.
Bart's Thoughts:
My anxiety level is really high as we approach the can we really help these children by offering them communication skills when their basic needs have not been met.
The poverty has all of us moved to silence as we travel accross the country. I don't believe our words can describe it. The pictures we have taken will show it. The emotion of gratitude and thankfullness is only something you can understand if you personally experience it. This may be the very thing that changes each of us the most!!! Time will tell for each of us.
Each night we have been playing HIGH/LOW! This has been one of my highlights. We have learned about each other. We have also learned about ourselves. Yesterday was a day of extreme highs and lows.
I have grown up watching wild animal shows. To stand in their presence is inspirational. We saw the full cycle of life. From young antelope, monkeys, giraffes and wart full herds of zebra. The cycle being complete with the hyena comsuming the remains of a water buffalo. The pride of lions was an awesome site. Having been at the home site of Joy Adamson (Born Free) earlier makes me realize future children my never see this in the wild, even before we reach the village
the other high for me............Is the TEAM- glenna, mattteo/mathew, robin and griffin. each of them have given me so much . I couldnt imagine doing this trip alone. I have a deeper understanding of why God always sent people out in pairs.
One person could spend their life could make a difference in a small group of people. It will take ALL of US!!! The poverty and existence in which these people live is incredible. They literally have nothing! We have everything! We complain..... they do not. We frown. They are constantly smiling!
I know that the next 5 days are going to be amazing............................................I have no expectations. I only hope we can somehow help these students steer their destiny
If you read this........................... think about what you have complained about today?

On their way to Nairobi

Just received a brief message that the group was out of the village and waiting on their plane to Nairobi. Everyone is well and I understand it was a very emotional day for each of them as they were saying their good-byes in the village.

More to come later!


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Saturday July 5 - Overnight in Kisumu

The trip has been amazing. The group is now in Kisumu and gearing up for the trek to the village on Sunday. Today was heartwrenching, some of the things they saw, it was an emotional day for some as they drove along. I understand it was rather chilly for them most of the day because of traveling through the mountains, but is getting a little warmer as the get closer to the village. It was a long day for the group, but they did manage to stop at a tea farm. Their accommodations for the night were in a hut by the lake.

That's all for now. I'll keep you posted as I learn more.


Friday, July 4, 2008

What an Incredible Journey!!!

What an amazing day!!!

We left Nairobi en route to the village early this morning. On the way we stopped at the homestead of Joy and George Adamson.....the couple behind the story of "Born Free"....we enjoyed lunch at their home and learned much about their was an amazing experience!

Following lunch we took a boat ride to an island that is also a National Game Park where we toured, walked, and experienced first hand the giraffe, wilderbeasts, hippos and much was incredible to be walking where they walked....taking pictures of them without fences separating us.....learning about their habitats, and more....whew!!!

As we tried to proceed to our lodging in Naivasha we soon learned that the main road was closed and we had to take a detour....thus we experienced first hand the back roads of Kenya.......I think we may have rattled a few fillings loose however our driver Joshua managed to get us to our hotel safe and sound where we enjoyed a lovely dinner. Tomorrow we tour the wild animal park within which the hotel will be incredible to be sure!!

On our way here we saw many is so very sad to see the extreme poverty of the people of Kenya......children with no clothes, adults standing by the side of the road begging, everywhere you see people trying to make the best of their situation..........we have been honored to receive such a wonderful welcome from all we encounter.....

En route to Naivasha today we even saw a train run into a car at an intersection.....the people running to help from all directions simply pointed out the generous hearts and love of the people of Kenya for each other.....we have seen many things during our time here and consistently we witness the care of the Kenyan people to each other......

Tomorrow we travel to Nakuru and then on Sunday we will arrive in the village to begin our work there with the children. We missed celebrating the Fourth of July in our country with our families......yet look forward to sharing our adventures upon our return!!

Tonight is the first night we sleep with mosquito nets around our beds and mosquito repellent incense in the rooms....a new experience! As it is after midnight here we must be off to bed!! Until tomorrow.....

Happy Fourth of July to our families and friends!!


Speaker Bootcamp....Nairobi Style!

We've completed the first official Nairobi Speaker Bootcamp!!!
Three days of communication training resulted in a successful Speaker Bootcamp.....Nairobi Style! It was interesting that while the communication concepts, fears, concerns, and skill sets were universal, the topics that these students were working on were truly amazing! While they all had fun with the random topics we gave them to practice with, when it came time to develop their individual roadmaps around thier professional topics the mood became much more serious. These students are all working on topics that truly will change the course of history in Kenya.
For example...Barasa worked through the topic of Affirmative Action. Diana was focused on Sexual Violence. Joy's work revolved around Gender Equality. Stella devoted her time to a topic on Children's Rights while Josephine spoke on Women's Leadership. John did a wonderful job formatting his topic of Political Mentoring. Peter spoke solidly about Women's Regional Assemblies. Purity and Lillian....two Christian pastors who spoke about their faith.
At the end of the third day, all were exhausted yet excited about the graduation ceremony where they all received certificates and a lapel pin that reads "Let Your Life Speak"....these individuals truly exemplify the concept of letting their lives speak as every one of them lives daily their focus. They are determined to make Kenya a better place for all to live.
Our team was surprised and honored to receive gifts of thanks from the group....each of us received a woven basket....a symbolism of life in Kenya where baskets are used daily.....a tee shirt and hat with the Women's Political Caucus logo.....key chains which are considered of extremely high value here.......and umbrellas to protect us from the sun once we arrive in the village. It was humbling to receive gifts from them as we truly feel this experience we are sharing is a gift to all of be here with them....helping them on their missions.
At the end of the day we celebrated at a local "must see" restaurant....Carnivore...with some of our hosts. What an experience it was!!! Carnivore boarders a game park and they roast and serve ostrich, crocodile, giraffe, lamb, turkey, beef, chicken and more......what an experience!! We all tried a little bit of everything!! There were some new beverages as well....our favorite was a drink called "Dawa"......YUM!!! What fun evening and a wonderful way to end our time with this group!
On Friday we begin our journey of 2 days travel to the village of Wikondiek....we will stop at Lake Naivasha then to Lake Nakura/Kisume to spend the evenings. We are excited to see the country-side!!
Until later!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day Two of Training in Nairobi Done!

Hey Everyone!

Completed our second day of training today in Nairobi....will finish up tomorrow. The group is doing a wonderful job and appear to be enjoying the training.

The driver and car picks us up at our hotel and we brave our way to the training facility (a converted garage) through amazing traffic and people walking. We are so thankful that the group here organized for a car for us as we'd never be able to navigate the streets with the success he exibits at every moment!

Today we all chuckled as one of our students, Barasa, struggled initially with the skill sets until he started having fun with it all! He did a wonderful job! His focus for his work and his continued studies for his PhD is Affirmative Action. With a booming voice and a beaming grin, Barasa soon had the entire classroom following his every word and move!

The weather here is a bit cooler than anticipated....because Nairobi is actually in the mountains, it gets pretty chilly at night and remains about 70-75 during the day.....this is Kenya's Winter Season. Here's another interesting thing....when you order coffee and ask for cream, you receive a little carafe of warmed milk.......when Griffin ordered a glass of milk to drink, it came warmed.....we are delighting in experiencing the different culture! Something new around every corner!



Fighting DISPARIETY (what the listner experiences and what the communicator experiences) seems exponentially harder here!) the differneces here are huge! The commonalities are even greater!!!!!!!! For all of us............ we saw the tranformation of each partiiciant from ums and ahs to clear, simple, concise, and powerful sound bites of information. I still have to be reminded, after all the times I have taught this class, that the process and the skills work!!!

As I listen to them share their thoughts and feeling about their beliefs and political realize for them................this is a matter of survival..........econonically and socially............ It is THEIR LIFE! They are truly changing lives, communities and their country.

For us back home it is a matter of choice...... not a matter of survival.

Think how different it would be for all of US...... if communiction was a matter of survival............not something we consider option or a business function!!

~The Bartman


I find it fascinating the many similarities we Americans have with our fellow brothers & sisters in other countries... the importance of family, work, desire for laughter and support. Yet, the differences in how we live our lives can be vast.

Here in Nairobi you see people scurrying around in the early morning, many walking 3 and 4 miles to work, just to find themselves doing mundane jobs. But they do it with a smile on their face and with a mild manner. Everyone seems very interested in what's happening in their country's politics, education and reform. And the seem very content as to who they are and what they are about. They are very aware of American politics and look to the USA as the land of milk & honey, but don't seem to be jealous of what we have. They just acknowledge it and accept who they are and are proud of it. Yet we Americans sometimes forget how blessed we are to live in a country of abundance & total freedom. Myself included! I must remember this and change my attitude to be more proud and appreciative of my country!

Yesterday was our second day in training. Bart and Glenna did a fabulous job. Glenna took the rains for part of the day and lead the group through delivery and gestures. She had some good candidates and they all learned a great deal.

I love hearing the laughter and support of the group for their fellow speakers. It is so funny to see them laughing WITH their friends, versus laughing AT them. The whole experience is very supportive of each other.

Gotta go now, but more later.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day One Training Done!

Today we finished Day One for the training of the Political Caucus group in Nairobi. It is amazing to watch the process and realize that regardless of where this communication training is conducted, people around the globe crave, desire and benefit from the skill sets.

When asked about their challenges in regard to communicating in public, this group listed the same fears as groups have listed in the US, in Malaysia, Europe or Canada......the challenges of how to communicate effectively truly are universal.

By the end of the day, following much discussion and practice around the skill sets of effective delivery, once again the group proved that by using the techniques, their messages become more clear, more concise, more effective and more powerful!

Robin noted how welcoming the group was to learning new skills and to our team. He felt that within the first two hours, they would have been pleased......yet as the day continued and the one-on-one experience with benchmarking and "hot seats" happened, themes that may have seemed abstract became reality. They became "Bartified" as they experienced first hand the transformation from common communication obstacles to more powerful communication through the gentle guidance and encouragement they received as they were coached through the process. The anticipation for tomorrow is high!!!

Griffin and Mathew did a great job of being "right hands" to anything that was needed throughout the day. Griffin enjoyed watching and learning about effective posture....the do's and dont's as he and Mathew participated with the entire group in a group exercise. Great information for a 13 year old to learn!!

We were treated to a wonderful Kenyan lunch and enjoyed Kenyan tea which is made with hot milk instead of is delicious!!

The City of Nairobi awakens early walking in to work......often times with a 2 hour walk to/from their homes. We learned today that Nairobi is a city of approximately 3 seems much larger as the streets and sidewalks are filled with people walking from before sun rise to after dark......traffic abounds in what seems like complete chaos...yet no accidents have we seen! Heavy smog fills the air and the country waits for rain.

On our way back to the hotel where it will be time for an early dinner than off to bed as we start early in the morning!!!

Photos are of Griffin in the morning at the hotel having breakfast....a photo of Bart training.....and of one of the students today practicing the new skills. Thought you might enjoy!

Hello to all back home!!


Monday, June 30, 2008

Nairobi Adventures!

Greetings from Nairobi!
Today we thought we would each share a bit of our adventures.....after arriving in Nairobi at 6am we checked into the hotel, unloaded our luggage, and then went to do a site check for where we will be training tomorrow. We will be working with the Political Caucus Women's Group and will be spending 3 days covering communication skills to help them present their message more powerfully. Very Exciting!! Getting used to driving on the opposite side of the road was an's something to see cars and trucks coming at you on the right hand side of the road!!! ~Glenna

It was overwhelming to see the number of pedestrians....walking everywhere......while we were riding on the road in a vehicle, both sides of the road were full of people full suits, dressed from head to toe. We weren't even close to being near the center of Nairobi...literally miles away.....and the residents were walking to get to their destinations. The streets are extremely tight and narrow...lots of traffic weaving in and out. I found it surprising that everyone was so well dressed....full business and women in suits. The City itself is fairly "dusty" with construction, smog, overwhelming activity with foot and vehicle traffic moving in complete chaos....yet everyone getting to where they need to be, vendors looking to sell their wares at the street corners.....this is the way of life here and throughout it all, locals are polite, courteous and welcoming. ~Robin

One of my highlights of today was to visit the Giraffe Sanctuary! We were able to hand feed the giraffes with little "treats"......they licked them from our hands!! I liked watching them stick their toungues out....and learned that giraffe tongues are 45 cm long!!!! It was cool! ~Griffin

For me today was about "imagining the unimaginable!" I never imagined I'd be face to face (literally!) with a creature of such magnitude. Today was a day of receiving from this trip....and the wonders that were involved. Imagine something in your life that would be one of the most wildest things that could happen.......and BELIEVE that it will!! How many people can say they've been kissed by a giraffe?! (See photo!) ~Bart

One of the first things I realized today....when seeing everyone walking miles from the airport to get to a destination...wherever it may be.....was that I was amazed. It was impressive to experience the overall courtesness of the population here. The overall experience with the giraffes was incredible because we were immersed in their natural habitat and interracting with them so closely. It was amazing to be so close to these gigantic creatures and learn that their hearts are 1' x 2' in size (to be able to pump the blood up their necks) and that when the babies are born, they drop 6 feet to the ground and walk in less than an hour and can run within 2 hours. We also learned that Warthogs and Giraffes live together because Warthogs have a great sense of smell and Giraffes have a great sense of vision....therefore one watches out for the other and alerts in time of danger from predators. It was an amazing day! ~Mathew

Sunday, June 29, 2008


We arrived safe and sound in Kenya at 6am this morning. Are on our way to the hotel now to rest a bit after the 8 hour flight before going to do a site check for where we will be training Tuesday morning. Many sights and sounds.......will share more after we settle in a bit......just wanted all to know we we had arrived! Enjoy your day!

Hitching your wagon to a STAR!!!

I am amazed at the number of people who came up to us and asked about Mission Africa-LYLS.
every person said ........How COOL!! You could tell they wanted to come with us!!!!!

It just confirms in my heart that people want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. I am finding more and more everyday, when we are TRUE to ourselves, TRUE to our hearts and TRUE to our minds, the world opens up. I encourage you to listen to your heart, follow your gifts, believe that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!! THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR YOUR GIFTS!!!

You wil find that you receive more than you dreamed and can give more than you ever Imagined!!!

I so regret living in fear for so long.....................................what a waste of time!

the Bartman

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?......

Is it Superman in the phone booth????

A little bit of silliness on the streets of London before gearing up for the next leg of the journey. Spent a wonderful evening sharing our mission with many.....great conversations!! What a fantastic city London is to visit!
More to come.....

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Taking London By Storm!!

We are in London!! Gearing up for the next leg of our journey to Kenya tomorrow......

Today we had the chance to see a little bit of London, unwind from the trip, and crash early to make up for the time change. We hope to visit Westminister Abby Church for services on Sunday then prepare for the next long flight which will get us to our final destination.

Today we were able to take the subway to the heart of London where we saw Buckingham Palace, The Eye, Big Ben, stopped for a moment on the Thames River and much more! Everywhere we went we were asked about Mission Africa!
Here's a photo that Griffin took of Big Ben......amazing to see such old and wonderful buildings.......walking around history! (Also managed to capture Robin in action!! Watch out! You just never know when you're on camera!!) ;-)
Enjoyed a nice English dinner in a lovely little restaurant and now it's time for bed....

Until tomorrow!!

Half-way there!!!!

Our flight arrived in London safely on Saturday morning around 1110am BST (610am EST). Everyone was able to get a little rest on the flight, but the food was less than desireable. After arriving and checking in at the hotel it was time for a late lunch. Hopefully a good nights sleep tonight as we continue our journey tomorrow. We're half-way there!!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

We're Africa Bound

What a day today has been. Lots of hustle, bustle and last minute packing. Robin, Bart and Matt got all packed and we left the farm around 130pm. After stopping to pick up Glenna and Griffin, we made it to the airport about 45 minutes prior to the flight. I never knew that 5 people could have a truck bed full of luggage, but these 5 did. The original flight time was scheduled for 435pm, but I understand there's a slight delay. Hopefully they'll be on their way soon to Washington Dulles where they will then be departing for London until Sunday.

Stay tuned for more!

Mission Africa Kick-off Dinner

What a night it was on Thursday 26 June 2008. Matt and Robin arrived safely in RDU around 330pm. The team met briefly after their arrival and around 630pm, friends and the team met for dinner at 115 Midtowne. There were a total of 22 guests including the Mission Africa Team. The night started with a brief introduction of the team from Bart and the Juni spoke on the orphanage in Dalla in which they will be visiting. Part of the night was also the viewing of Bart and Glenna's video productions. What great pieces of work. They both truly have a powerful message to share.

More to come as the team leaves at 435pm on Friday 27 June 2008.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thank You!!!

A great big "THANK YOU" for all who showed their support by attending the afternoon and evening of fun and festivities on Saturday (June 21) for "Mission Africa: Let Your Life Speak! "

Amidst thunder storms, torrential downpours, and map quest's incorrect directions......over 100 people shared their Saturday afternoon and evening to show their support of the upcoming trip. Food, laughter and dancing were all aplenty as good friends took a moment to catch up with each other, new friends were discovered, and all shared a sense of community.

Thank you to all who donated their time, talents and treasures to help make the event a success! Over $2,000 was donated to help facilitate the purchase of a generator for the village of Wikondiek, Kenya. THANK YOU!!!

It's still not too late to donate if you know someone who'd like to participate! Please encourage any donations made payable to "Let Your Life Speak" and can be sent to c/o C-3Communications, PO Box 80335, Raleigh, NC, 27623.

Thank you!

Friday, June 20, 2008

It didn't hurt too much....

The shots had to's a part of traveling to another part of the world. Let the fun begin!

Entering into the clinic for international travel shots is nervewracking. Pages of paperwork needs to be completed and then you sit.....and wait. You wait for what you know you're not going to enjoy. You wait while your imagining the size of the needle. You wait for your name to be called.

Nurse Sue was wonderful! With the walls of her office covered with photos of patients she had administered shots to, she delighted us with tales of her past experiences. She was knowledgeable, caring, witty, and most of all......she was quick!!

Needless to say, we all survived!!

One Week Away!

Our mission begins in one week! On Friday, June 27th, we will depart from Raleigh, NC, to travel to Kenya to begin "Mission Africa: Let Your Life Speak!"

Once in Kenya we will work with a group of political caucus women in Nairobi, then travel to the remote village of Wikondiek where we will have the opportunity to work with students at a school. All of our work is focused on providing communication skills and encouraging participants to "Let Their Lives Speak!"

Our team of 5 (Bart Queen, Glenna Sanford, Griffin Sanford, Robin Creasman & Mathew Mordini) will take turns entering our experiences throughout the trip into this blog for our friends, family and supporters to keep track of our travels and experiences. Check back often to read the latest!!!!

Go.....let your life speak!!!